Saturday, March 19, 2011

What Does ‘Virtualization' Mean?

What Does ‘Virtualization' Mean?. When relating to the plethora of computer systems we use today, virtualization is a tem that is always being pushed to the forefront.  Virtualization can be shuffled into several different categories.  There are also several types of virtualization, and it is ever-changing in our, now,  technologically-advanced world.

Generally speaking, when referring to virtualization with respects to computing, we are noting the virtual version of an idea or product, as opposed to the actual version.  This can relate to anything ranging from hardware platforms, all the way to network resources.  This new trend (virtualization) concentrates mainly on the idea of centralizing administrative tasks, work loads, as well as improving overall scalability.

What is Hardware Virtualization?
Hardware virtualization, in a nut shell, is an overall creation of a machine that is virtual, but acts like a true
computer.  This virtualized computer has an operating system just like that of a true computer, also.
The actual machine in which the virtualization takes places, is known as a ‘host machine'.  When referring to the virtualization machine itself, the term is known as 'guest machine'.  Incorporating these two terms into the virtualization vocabulary assists in distinguishing the software and environments that run on each machine.

There are a few different varieties of hardware virtualization.  These types include that of:

Paravirtualization:  This particular hardware environment is not, in fact, simulated.  Although, guest software is acting within its own domain, therefore, the system appears to be a simulation.  When in this hardware environment, guest software also needs to be modified.

Full and/or Complete Virtualization:  This environment occurs when a guest operating system is running, unmodified.  This is an almost complete virtualization simulation.

Partial Virtualization:  This virtual environment occurs wherein a majority of that environment is, in fact, simulated.   Modifications to guest software may be necessary to work within this particular environment.
When referring to virtualization, or specifically hardware virtualization, there is a process in which to improve the guest environment's performance.  This process is formally known as ‘hardware-assisted virtualization'.  This process involves the use of hardware components to improve the performance of the system‘s environment.

Although virtualization and/or hardware virtualization may sound like complex processes - which it may be.  When understanding the basic terms used in the virtualization vocabulary, one can then begin to better understand the idea and processes behind it.

In consistently trying to update our systems with new and improved ways in which to work and play, the environment of technology is always changing.  What will be the next way in which to improve our lives and business operations via technology?  One will have to assume that it will not take too long before we find out.